3 Strategical ways to create best push notifications

3 Strategical ways to create best push notifications

You may re-engage your audience and bring them back to your app via push notifications. Yes, because research states that users spend an average of 4.2 hours a day on their mobile devices, making it a convenient medium. Has your approach for sending push alerts ever crossed your mind?

You may be questioning why it’s necessary to improve your push notification approach further. Think about it. Push alerts that contain text have an open rate of only 8 percent. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to do it. The era of a small icon as a notification has long passed. Thus mandating a shift in the way, you send out push notifications.


  1. Customize the content of push notifications

Personalization is the most critical aspect of any push notification approach. Push notifications, by their very nature, are very personal. To interrupt someone, you must have something compelling and relevant to the end-user to do effectively.

You must have a strong understanding of your customers to implement a customized push notification strategy. User profile and behavior analytics are essential to creating great push notifications, but neither is sufficient. Thus, you can be certain that each push notification is sent to a specific end-user.

A good method for driving back into your app is to trigger push notifications based on previous in-app events aimed at re-engaging users. Push notification uses this strategy to re-engage users:

  • Align push alerts with in-app messaging

The popularity of push notifications is largely due to their in-app counterparts—mobile tooltips and modals—even though they occur outside the app.

Push notifications should drive users to a specific message within the app. Internal and external communication channels are seamlessly integrated by using in-app messages.

Amazon uses triggered push notification campaigns to notify customers when their delivery is delivered (they also get bonus points for utilizing rich push). When a user clicks on the notification, they’re taken to a website where they can see the shipping details. There is a mobile ad at the top of the page that provides extensive information about the delivery

Know how appICE can help you in creating in-app messages

  • Bring people to the value of the app

Taking control of your experience and solving your most critical issues faster is possible by removing the need for a middleman in product-led apps (sales, customer support, etc.). Because of the enhanced user experience that product-led applications provide, users are more likely to stay on the app and make purchases.

It’s not uncommon for mobile apps to be product-centric. To help consumers get from point A to point B, they use features like push notifications, chatbots, and in-app communications.

Push notifications, like email, encourage users to return to your mobile app. Therefore, users are more likely to respond positively to a push notification specifically tailored to their requirements, preferences, and use context. A product-driven app needs to provide seamless, tailored experiences that let consumers see the value to keep the momentum going.

Spotify provides a product-driven experience that is unrivalled in the industry. To deliver a highly tailored experience that consistently leads consumers to value, they have  mastered the art of using user data.

2. Emojis increase push notifications engagement

While emojis have proven to be powerful tools in the marketing armoury, especially for mobile marketing platforms, they have also proven to be a powerful tool in promoting a brand’s relatability and increasing the number of leads. Take a closer look at how including emojis in push notifications can boost response rates and user interaction.

  • Push notifications Make It Easier to Communicate

We’re seeing a shift in the way people communicate around the world. Is it any surprise that emojis have become a common means of conveying feelings and words without a lengthy explanation? By this way, push notification campaigns may be communicated and marketed more effectively.

  • They Help In Making Better Connection

In comparison to looking at an actual human face, scientists have shown that viewing an emoji activates certain areas of a person’s brain and causes them to have a positive emotion. Since emojis convey a sense of humanity to a message, they have a stronger effect on how the recipient perceives it. Moreover, the utilization of emoji push notification systems can benefit you as a marketer. They’re a powerful tool for building a personal connection with your audience, so make good use.

  •  Boost Open and Conversion Rates

According to many studies, using emojis in push alerts and emails can raise open rates by 45 percent. As already mentioned, one possible explanation is that they infuse the message with positive energy. On the other hand, emojis help decrease the impact of negative messaging and increase conversion rates.

  • Engaging Customers in Real-Time

Push notifications are a relatively new and rapidly growing form of electronic messaging. They catch the eye and helps in communicating a message. Your user engagement and opt-in rates will rise when you employ emoticons spoken by 92 percent of internet users.

Also Read – Push notification trends and best practices on various industries – finance, telecom, eCommerce, food

3. Create clear communication message

Like everything else in life, the character count for push notifications has its limits. It may be difficult to cram important and effective content into a character count of 40 to 120. Emojis can help you communicate your thoughts more clearly in your writing. At the same time, you can reduce the number of characters used. Take a look at the weather forecast below.

When used in the most appropriate context, Emojis can be an effective means of communication. They should be used sparingly so as not to overwhelm the reader. Is your user database going to be annoyed by you?

Push notifications aren’t really useful when implemented alone

Personalizing push notifications is the key to success. Throwing someone’s name into a message isn’t clever personalization, and people will notice. Use user data and marketing automation to design a plan that meets user needs at the optimal time in their trip.

Second, make push notifications part of a smooth, self-serving app. Push notifications are a powerful mobile marketing tool, but they don’t function well alone. Therefore, ensure the in-app experience reflects your messaging.

Push alerts rarely work alone. Therefore, add a thorough grasp of the user path, smart personalization, and creative in-app messaging for a winning mobile strategy.

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