10 Ways to Build a Push Notification Marketing Strategy

10 Ways to Build a Push Notification Marketing Strategy

Push notification marketing is a vital element of every app marketer’s overall strategy, with 42 percent of mobile consumers opting in. We will show you how to drive growth and engagement up to 88% in our guide to Push notifications. Only by understanding how your users will benefit or will this work. The objective of push notifications is explained in this article as best practices for achieving the greatest outcomes.

What is push notification marketing?

When a user receives a push notification, the message is delivered directly to the user’s mobile device and appears on the user’s lock screen and notification alerts. If a user has the app installed and pushes notifications enabled on their device, the app’s publisher can deliver push notifications to that user.

Marketing communications are sent to a user without knowing their name or email address. The recommended practices we outline in this guide to push notifications must be followed by app publishers, who must first obtain the user’s consent before sending any push notifications.

Push notifications have evolved, with each operating system providing a unique service and push alerts growing more sophisticated. The app’s icon can now display a numbered badge and play customized tones and messages. The software also is used to perform some tasks without the user having to launch it.

Increase engagement and growth with push notification marketing

Experts share their views on how app developers can use push notifications to boost user engagement and generate revenue growth. Andy recommends putting reach first while trying to maximize impact.

To maximize your potential, you should do this.” Making a notification more relevant to your entire audience is possible by experimenting with different wording, emoticons, and other elements. Reaching a wider audience is more difficult when a notification is only sent to those who use a specific feature.

Know how appICE can help in sending effective push notifications

  • Authorizations

Push notification authorization is a form of manipulation if you ask your users to permit you to send them alerts. Most apps fail here. Generally, most people do not want any apps to access their personal information. Personal data sharing is a concern for Android users.

Requests can be sent later on by some advertisers. Your users should be asked whether they wish to be notified when their friends respond to messages in your messaging app.

  •  Defining a Marketing Plan

A marketing campaign that lacks a strategy is circling the wagons. Because mobile is so performance-driven, there’s no need to guess; instead, start with a solid strategy. Mobile app marketers are aware of this, but they fail to implement a well-thought-out push notification marketing strategy for your app and miss an opportunity to increase retention.

  • Push Notification Types

Text alerts are a thing of the past, thanks to the advancements made possible by today’s technology. Modern technology enables you to employ more eye-catching messages, such as graphics, that may be viewed with one tap. With interactive notifications, you can transform a call-to-action into action by drawing attention to what you want to convey and increasing the amount of retention.

  • The right timing

Timing is everything. When you push your app correctly, you’ll have happy users and fewer irritated ones. Set your notifications to appear at the most convenient time for you. That is, you must avoid delivering messages at times when your users are likely to be either asleep or otherwise unavailable.

Consider the optimal time of day to engage with your customers and avoid irritating them. Your target audience and the message they will receive are the most important aspects of this process.

  • A/B Testing (Version Control)

In the realm of mobile apps, you must test and design various options for each of the parameters listed here. If you want to know which strategy is most effective, you need to experiment and measure the outcomes. To become a regular part of your notification strategy, you have to put in a lot of work.

It is the most important guide on how to write the greatest push notifications marketing strategies. Here’s what you should do:

  • Keep the text short and informative.
  • Push messages should include a clear CTA.
  • Try to engage your users with a joke or phrase.
  • Entertainment holds the attention and is memorable.
  • Personalizing the message is also vital. Personalize messages to stand out.

Also Read – 3 Strategical ways to create best push notifications

  • Push Notifications Segmentation

To provide your users with individualized messages, this is where you should begin. Your audience can be divided into distinct categories based on gender, age, interests, location, and any other personal data.

It’s important to address user behaviour if you want to move further. Specific push notifications are used to determine how frequently and actively your consumers use your program.

  • Frequency

As a result, some marketers grow overly enthused about push alerts because they are so effective. It can lead to an excessive number of notifications being sent in a short period. Sadly, this can annoy users and lead to poor outcomes.

A sound strategy aids in the discovery of the ideal middle ground between connecting users and avoiding the “overly attached girlfriend” syndrome.

  • Setting Goals and Setting Priorities

Try to avoid sending the same user too many comparable push notifications in a short period by prioritizing them and selecting the most important ones. Using a segmentation method might help you identify potential problems before they arise in your push strategy.

  • Creativity

The primary goal of delivering notifications is to draw in as many people as possible and encourage them to participate. Because of this, it’s a good idea to spend some time and effort on some original and amusing content. You’re more likely to impress your audience if you come up with something original. Keep your message short and sweet, but make sure it sticks in the recipient’s mind.


Push notification marketing on mobile devices is more powerful than people realize. The use of push notifications can significantly impact your app’s growth and retention. Using push messages wisely and deliberately can significantly impact how users perceive and interact with your app. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of five successful ways to connect with your app users.





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