Types of Customer Segmentation for Better Mobile Marketing

Types of Customer Segmentation for Better Mobile Marketing

Every app has unique purposes, similarly, every user will react to your app marketing campaign differently. The best way to save your resources and efforts is to customer segmentation because wasting your marketing efforts by targeting the customers who will not likely to respond will yield no results. Furthermore, sending a lot of generic messages to these customers would lead to app uninstalls. In this article let us see about Types of Customer Segmentation for Better Mobile Marketing. 

Hence, the right approach for a fruitful marketing campaign is to reach the right audience. That’s where the crucial role customer segmentation comes.

In this article, let’s discuss the brief of customer segmentation, best practices, strategies, and examples. 

A brief on Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is all about dividing customers into various groups based on the similarities. Segmenting customers is highly beneficial for mobile marketers as they can easily target the right set of audience. You can directly target the marketing campaign to the potential audience who are likely to convert, by doing so a lot of effort and money can be saved. Furthermore, customized marketing messages can more effectively convert leads. 

Based on the customer information, there are millions of methods to divide your customers into groups. Though not all could be meaningful, some could be beneficial to create effective segments for your marketing campaigns. Below are some of the most common types of customer segmentation: 

– Demographic Segmentation: Based on age, gender, occupation, income, marital status etc.

– Geographic Segmentation – Based on the state, country, or city ( helpful for local businesses)  

– Technographic Segmentation – Based on software, technologies, and mobile devices.

– Psychographic Segmentation – Based on personal interests, attitudes, values

– Behavioral Segmentation – Based on previous interactions, spending habits, session frequency, feature use, average order value, browsing history, etc.

Customer Segmentation Mobile Marketing

6 different Customer Segmentation Methods

New Users: 

Your new customer base is not familiar with the app, so mobile marketers should engage them more to trigger the interest level. Push notification, SMS, email are some of the effective mediums to approach them. Create a segment of customers who had downloaded an app for the first time and who had launched the app newly. You can also trigger their interest level by sending them a welcome email. Help them with their first purchase by guiding them to explore your app, its features, and special offers. 

Encourage active users:

The second segmentation category is the users who regularly launch your app but have not made any purchases so far. You can encourage these customer segments by sending them customized recommendations, offers, and discounts based on their browsing history. However, this strategy or segmentation is not applicable for all users, some app cannot be launched daily or frequently. 

Users with the irregular app launch 

This segment of customers is the people who downloaded the app and launch the app once in a while. Basically, they are non-active users. As soon as a new customer downloads your app, you should encourage them frequently to make use of the app regularly and make purchases. 

– Send customized push notification of their interest

– Include links along with the email, SMS, or notification, to help them navigate directly to the respective page. 

– Send frequent tips and guidelines to assist them to get more out of the product/app.

Customers with low purchase value: 

The fourth segmentation is the customers who have recently launched your app and made purchases, but they have a low average purchase value or not a frequent purchaser. Encouraging this customer segmentation is very important for your business to grow.

– Try encouraging the customer’s segment with loyalty programs and rewards on high order values or repeat purchases

– Send push notifications related to the exclusive features or unique premium content to trigger the interest level. 

Loyal customers 

The best way to flourish your business is through obtaining more loyal customers, as they can be a very effective brand advocate. The loyal customer segment is a very powerful segment of power with high purchase value, or more session length and high-frequency rate. Appreciate them and make them understand how much you value their association. 

– Acknowledge their contribution through exciting rewards

– Provide great offers and rewards for the spread of words or when they invite their friends 

– Encourage them to provide good rating and reviews 

Dormant Users

The dormant users are the ones who used to be active, but have shown interest in recent times. This shows that you should engage them in a much better way. For instance, if a user regularly launches your app once in a week, but if they hadn’t launched for quite a long time, then you should try to remind them and engage them with exciting updates and offers. Send them notifications about the updates they had missed, such as recent offers, discounts, etc. 

Best Practices – Customer Segmentation Analysis

Now that, we had discussed the types of customer segmentation and methods to engage them, let us now discuss the practices for Customer Segmentation Analysis 

1. Understand your customer base, know where your customers stay, and analyze their behavior with your app

2. Set proper goals for each segment, so that you can ensure that the marketing efforts worth it and the engagement marketing campaigns are tied to measurable, specific business goals.

3. Test and Optimize your group of customers 

4. Revisit your customer segments, because users will continually evolve over time and do the behavior and engagement of your customers do. Hence, you should always revisit your marketing campaign strategy and customer segmentation. 


Customer segmentation analysis is a great platform for you to create the right set of the target audience and engage them in an effective method. It is always wise to create customer segments from loyal to inactive customers, and offer you instant information into the best channels and effective tactics to engage each one.



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