Push Notification Click Through Rates – Proven techniques to improve

Push Notification Click Through Rates – Proven techniques to improve

Push notification

With up to 90% open rates, push notifications shows unrivalled outcome in terms of engagement. We make it simple for you to take advantage of this tremendous engagement channel by providing you with all of the necessary tools. Right tools can increase push notification click through rates and set the notifications to go out automatically whenever you publish new material.

You’re probably aware that push notifications can significantly boost user engagement. Such notifications are a valuable conduit for information and alerts if used as part of an omnichannel marketing operation. As a result, there will be more contact and retention.

It’s critical for a company to not just deploy push notifications, but also to optimize them in order to deliver a better customer experience. Studies on users’ responses to notifications have shown that improperly timed notifications can create stress and even alter users’ brain waves when performing other tasks.

They have a 90 percent opening rate, which is 50 percent greater than email marketing. The click-through rate is also seven times greater. Furthermore, 40% of users respond to push alerts within hours of receiving them.

Read on to know more about the significant metrics of Push-Notification and methods to improve click-through rates 

What to Look for in Metrics

  1. Open Rate and Click-Through Rate

A CTR is the ratio of clicks obtained on a notice to the total number of subscribers who received the notification. It’s one of the most significant aspects of the effectiveness of your push notifications. Naturally, a higher CTR equates to more interaction. Meanwhile, an Open Rate is the proportion of persons who have “opened” the notification.

  1. The Number of People Who Have Signed Up

The opt-in rate displays the number of people who signed up for push notifications as a percentage of the total number of visitors to your website. This data plays an important role in determining the ideal times to send notifications. It is based on the requirement for any additional  incentive or information, and which web pages are best for push notifications.

  1. Timing and Frequency

It is essential to evaluate the Opt-in and click-through rates in terms of when and how often alerts are provided. These are useful indicators of the most effective times to contact users. Changing these can often generate fantastic outcomes.

  1. Rate of Conversion

Push notifications are frequently issued with the intention of getting the user to do a specific action. For example, a merchant may send a push notice about a deal, while a financial company could invite consumers to join up for its newsletter. A conversion rate compares the number of customers who took the intended action to the total number of alerts sent out.

Push notification click through Improvement Measures

Marketers who know what they’re doing will always delve deeper. Here are a few more factors to consider in order to maximise efficiency and improve metrics.

To begin, consider the following case study

push notification click through rates

Geofencing is very useful for businesses with physical locations. When a user is near a physical location, these messages are active, and they can result in a 45 percent click-through rate.

Push notification click through rates

According to research, 15 out of every 100 push alerts issued are not delivered. This paper contains data-backed insights into the factors that influence notification delivery rates, as well as best practices for improving them.

Push notifications can provide a big boost to your marketing efforts. It’s critical to be aware of measurement yardsticks and to keep an eye on them. This way, you’ll be able to see what has to be improved, what needs to be changed, and what needs to be kept in order to attain your objectives.

Pushes for health and fitness, e-commerce, education,  utilities, and entertainment apps had the greatest CTRs.

How do popular apps generate high CTRs for push notifications? 

The elements that the best-performing campaigns use have already been stated. Two of them are Segmentation and timing.

Demographic and behavior-based segmentation

Push notification senders who are successful assess their users’ previous activity and track the actions they trigger in the app in real time.


Apps that have a lot of push notifications CTRs tailor all aspect of their pushes with dynamic content. These includes titles, subtitles, icons, noises, and send time

Tips to obtain a higher push notification click through rate

In-App Messages are a great way to communicate with your friends and family 

In-App Messages appear above app content and contain messaging that engages your users directly. This allows an app to reach all users, including those who haven’t signed up for push notifications. IAMs have an average click-through rate of 18-20 times that of a conventional push notification, according to previous research. What’s more, apps that employ in-app messaging in conjunction with push notifications had a 100 percent higher relative CTR on average. 

  1. Actionable Messages 

The messages with an actionable button had a 72% greater click-through rate on average than those without. Although we can only hypothesise as to why this occurs, it would seem logical that unambiguous calls to action result in more actions

      2. Right Timing

When we looked at our data on push notifications, we discovered that most people open them during non-working hours, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night. Our smart tool can also assist with sending notifications at the most convenient times. You can sends message based on information about when a user is most likely to open them, resulting in a 23% greater delivery rate on average.

Not only that, but you can use appICE tools to optimize for a user’s time zone. This ensures that your “good morning” or “good night” notifications are delivered at the appropriate times, regardless of where your users are.

      3. Use Interesting Emojis

According to a survey, the average push notification click through rate across all industries is 2.74 percent.

The average CTR for emojis is 3.48 percent, representing a 38 percent gain across the sector.

Mobile apps in the business and finance industries that use emojis in their push alerts see a 128 percent increase in click-through rates.

You don’t want to be sending emojis to an audience that isn’t responsive to them, or in communications that are about important matters. Hence choose your emojis wisely and test them.

Emojis aren’t a magic wand that can be used to increase CTR. You must strategically incorporate them into your marketing communications while keeping the other crucial variables in mind.


Push notifications are one of the few marketing channels that can boast high conversion rates. This blog explain the points to remember when implementing. After analysing our data, we discovered that, on average, push notification click through rates is higher than email. We also noticed that a company’s click-through rates vary greatly. Some of the apps have a 40 percent average click-through rate and others hovering around 0.8 percent. Taking action based on these insights can help you boost the effectiveness of your campaign and achieve the greatest outcomes.


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