Tactics for humanizing your brand

Tactics for humanizing your brand

Automation had changed the way of business operation because chatbots help customers with their questions 24/7, content is also sent automatically and sends an automatic notification on the availability of the products in their wish list. Let us see about Tactics for humanizing your brand. 

Whether your intention is to grow your customer base or sell your product or service, the first thing you need to do is to build trust. People always wanted to connect with other people and so they might not get attracted with auto-replies, though automation supports businesses to scale, and improve efficiency, it can also lead to “Dehumanization”.  

A survey states that building trust plays an important factor that influences customers with a purchase decision. Building trust leads to more leads and conversions. 

Read on to know more about the 6 tactics to humanize your brand. 

Share informative and valuable content 

Tactics for humanizing

Irrespective of the type of content, make sure to share content that is informative and relevant to your target audience. The content should be engaging and conversational that triggers more questions from your audience, because these interactions will play a vital part in your brand reputation. This “human” interaction will attract more audiences towards your brand, as they can see the respect and care towards your customers. You can also engage them in sharing their stories and experience. 

Be Transparent

Tactics for humanizing

Being transparent with your customers is one of the powerful methods to humanize your brand. Letting your customers see things behind the screen is a wonderful opportunity to let them know your business. Showing your brand logo all the time might not interest your customers. Putting your amazing team members in the spotlight can make a huge difference in and out of your office. Make a video or blog about your business, your employees, and the inside look of your office, this will take you one step closer to your audience. 

Be honest and clear on requesting personal information

Apps need more information about the user to provide a better personalized experience. However, it is not the same with the customers, as they see it as a threat of losing their personal info or fear of spam and pushy emails. Hence, if you want to get more information from your users, be honest and clear with your conversation like how will you use the content and why do you require this information. 80% of the customers require a proper reason for requesting additional information. 

For instance, if you are into the e-commerce business, asking for their mail id or mobile number shouldn’t come as a surprise, explain the benefits of updating their info like the latest product update, offer, and discounts. 

Share real-life and authentic stories

Tactics for humanizing

Don’t spend the whole time explaining about your brand and its accomplishments. Engage your customers by sharing authentic stories. Sharing interesting and real-life stories, hardships, and lessons learned will trigger interest in your audience and sympathize with you.  Psychological experts suggest that shared pain could build solidarity between groups. 

Customers don’t prefer to open common emails sent from the list. Making a more conversational and casual tone attracts the customers and they slowly start browsing around the app. 

Show appreciation for your customers

Tactics for humanizing

Telling your clients that you care about and value them is perhaps the most ideal approach to adapt your brand image. Thus, try showing some gratitude for your long term clients by sending them a customized message along with some rewards. 

Even if you can’t offer gifts for all of your customers, send some personalized gifts for VIP clients that can go for a long way. Sometimes even showing a simple appreciation to new customers by just sending them a simple welcome or thank you message can do wonders by humanizing your brand

Apologize for your mistakes

Mistakes do happen anywhere; mobile apps are not an exception. If something had gone wrong, pretending like it never happened would be the worst thing. Instead, you should try to identify the source of shortcomings and address the issue by apologizing to your customer. Apologizing is not the first step, but also a way of reassuring your customers. Here are some of the important elements of an apology campaign:

1. Be Transparent: Be clear and specific about the problem, because customers want to understand how they had been affected 

2. Explain your next steps: The first thing is to reassure your customers that it won’t happen again and explain your further steps to reconcile the scenario. 

Real-time examples:

Several brands like Airbnb and Fitbit are doing well at humanizing their brand. Here are some of the real-time examples 

In 2015, the Airbnb app was facing a lot of critics for racial profiling, and their customers experiencing the prejudices started sharing it on various social media platforms. Airbnb didn’t pretend like it never happened, rather they proactively addressed with an email from their CEO, which is shown below: 


Fitbit sends a personal report every week for its customers highlighting their personal achievements of that week and comparison between the previous weeks. This not only shows their progress but also encourages the users to use their app more.


If you want to make your business memorable and build trust, then the humanization of your brand is the best method. By incorporating the above-mentioned points, you can scale up your app/ brand value among the customers.





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