Mobile marketing pitfalls that lead to poor User Engagement

Mobile marketing pitfalls that lead to poor User Engagement

The advancement of mobile had changed the whole model of consumerism. Starting from communication to socializing, to shopping, everything is based on mobile. It is an undeniable fact that mobile is a powerful device that helps you in connecting with your potential audience. Let us see 5 Mobile marketing pitfalls. 

However, connecting with the target audience is not easy, it requires great strategy and responsibility. User engagement is the key to everything – with good user engagement, you can easily enhance the CLTV (Customer Lifetime Value), user retention rates, and most importantly profit margins. 

Do you know that User engagement doesn’t always depend on the attractive User Interface? Yes, sometimes the role of Marketing (with good strategy) also plays a vital role in User Engagement. 

This blog will highlight the 6 most common mobile marketing mistakes that ultimately results in poor user engagement. 

Let’s take a look!

Failing to provide ongoing value to customers

Mobile marketing pitfalls

The number one challenge in mobile marketing is user retention. A study states that 90% of the user who downloads your app stops using it within 6 months. Hence certain factors make user retention possible.

Give reasons for your customers to return to your app regularly. Check if the utility of your app is novelty-driven. Any mobile developer/ marketer needs to understand that you need to focus on providing value to your customers. Your success relies on a customer who returns more than 5 times. 

Here are some points to address the retention issue:

1. Focus on designing your app around a consistent use case: The basic requirement is to understand what your users need from your app, how and why they will use it. If you don’t find an answer to this, you should invest more in understanding the customer base. 

2. Create engagement factors for your mobile app to reconnect with customers: Make sure to provide mechanisms to engage your users such as unique and customized content, rewards, discounts, etc that are available only through mobile apps. 

Focusing more on acquiring new customers and less focus on customer retention

Many mobile marketers believe that their success relies on growing the number of users, but it is not completely right. The actual success of an app relies on customer retention. Here are some stats that support the above statement:

– 25% of the apps are used only one time

– The average cost for an app install is $4.08 in 2018

– The Max cost per subscription is around $1482 

The above statement gives an insight into the money invested in acquiring a new customer, but the effort doesn’t long for time. Rather the customer retention, by focusing on who your existing users are and what are their needs. 

To make this possible, you can make use of cohort analysis that helps you in grouping the customers based on similar preferences, or similar demographic traits. Hence, this will make your job simpler by tailoring the user experience so they enjoy the most value from your app. 

Not focusing on the customized user experience

Mobile marketing pitfalls

A Common communication model cannot fit all your users, because every customer expects different experience. Hence, your focus should be displaying the right ads and offer to the right customers. Make your communication a personalized one. 

A statistics state that over 80% of the customers love to shop with the apps that offer a personalized user experience 

Here are some guidelines to offer better user experience: 

1. Tailor the messages and offers that target the right individuals. Personalized communication helps in increasing user engagement and also plays a huge role in conversion.

2. Another important factor in offering personalized user experience is Geolocation. It helps in grouping the customers based on the location to offer a personalized experience that offer customer experience. 

3. Try to create two-way communication within your app, because this will make each customer special. Delighting them with your acknowledgment is one way to enhance the user experience. 

4. Focus more on creating an in-app communication tool which helps in submitting the feedback. The ROI on the communication tool is higher because it helps you with user retention, reviews, ratings, and research – the four R’s of the mobile app business.

Relying on wrong metrics

Mobile marketing pitfalls

Every metric serves a different purpose, but the risk comes from relying on the wrong metrics to carry out a complete assessment. Some metrics provide an accurate cost of the acquisition ROI, brand awareness, etc. Focusing on the results of these metrics is good at times, while the complete focus on them might not help. Some of the vanity metrics include Mobile app downloads, Email subscribers, and Social media followers.

However, below are some of the most essential factors for the success of a mobile app:

1. Retention rate: It gives the approximate percentage of the customers who continue to use the mobile app

Formula: Users at the beginning – users at the end/users at the beginning 

2. CLTV: It means Customer Lifetime Value and measures the profit of an app from the business relationship with a user

Average Conversion Value * Average No. of conversion per time period * Avg user lifetime = Lifetime value

3. Conversion rate: This implies the number of users who turn as a paying user. 

Conversion Rate= No. of users who performed an action / No. of users who could have performed the action

Unsatisfactory user experience 

A marketing strategy is that which does not imply marketing, rather it should serve the right purpose at the right time which would eventually boost the conversion. Instead of forcing the customer to use your app, be flexible to offer what your customers want to see and how they want to interact with the app. 

Here are two examples of how to make an effective user experience:

1. When a user searches for a T-shirt in an e-Commerce mobile app, rather than showing all the out-of-Stock sizes, show only the available ones. Also, based on the user’s preference make suitable suggestions in terms of color and size.

2. A pet shop can create a seamless user experience, by displaying cute pictures of the dogs only to the people who show interest in the pets rather than displaying it to all. 


Mobile apps are a powerful method to build a relationship with your users and drive your business marketing efforts forward. To be successful, it’s crucial to spend more time and effort in planning your marketing efforts to reap the benefits of mobile devices. By avoiding these common mistakes, the success of your mobile app is higher. This was all about Mobile marketing pitfalls. 



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